Spanish and Portuguese

Our Spanish and Portuguese major is designed for students who arrive at Pitzer with an intermediate or advanced proficiency in either language

Student with laptop listens to discussion.

About Our Program

  • You'll complete coursework in both Spanish and Portuguese, delving into the many facets of each language and respective culture. 
  • In addition to on-campus experiences, Spanish and Portuguese majors will complete an immersion experience before graduating. You'll have the opportunity to study abroad in Costa Rica, Brazil, Spain, or Mexico. 
  • You'll have access to the several language resources available across The Claremont Colleges, including Pitzer's on-campus Fletcher Jones Languages and Cultures Resource Center
  • Our program is interdisciplinary. You'll cover topics such as environmental issues, popular culture, migration, race, gender, music, urban culture, and much more. 

At a Glance

Degree Awarded

  • Bachelor of Arts

Field Group

Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Program Type

Area of Study

Spanish, Portuguese and Our Values

Pitzer’s core values are woven throughout all our academic programs. Learn how our Spanish and Portuguese program specifically addresses the value of intercultural understanding and interdisciplinary learning.

Intercultural Understanding

We believe immersing yourself in another culture is the key to language acquisition. Take part in one of our many Spanish or Portuguese study abroad opportunities. 

Study Abroad Programs
53% Study Abroad Participation

More than half of Pitzer's students study abroad for a semester or more.

13+ Study Abroad Programs

For Spanish and Portuguese language immersion.

Carlos Perrett sits on the Pitzer Mounds while discussing his study abroad experience.

Carlos Perrett ‘18 studied abroad in Costa Rica, an experience which led to his career opportunities.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Our Spanish and Portuguese program is interdisciplinary. Choose courses that explore Spanish and Portuguese in the context of such topics as science, film, literature, pop culture, and music. 

12 Spanish and Portuguese Course Topics View the Course Catalog

Pitzer Voices

“I decided to try taking an intro Portuguese class at Pitzer in my first semester of college and fell in love with the language. Growing up speaking Spanish, I found that the two truly do go hand in hand.”

Dominic Feder Di Toro ’26

Spanish & Portuguese major, Fletcher Jones Language Lab Fellow

Student Resources

students practice speaking portuguese together at the fletcher jones language lab.

Fletcher Jones Languages and Cultures Resource Center

The Fletcher Jones Languages and Cultures Resource Center is a unique space dedicated to supporting in-person and virtual language and culture learning and intercultural exchange among local and international students and members of our extended community.

Explore Our Language Lab

Spanish & Portuguese Program Details

View Course Catalog

What You Will Learn

  • How to participate with confidence in a community of speakers of the language.
  • How to understand and identify differences in socio-cultural contexts and their social implications.
  • How to explain the importance of appreciating the complexity of the human experience across cultures.
  • Citizenship skills and increased self-awareness and personal growth. 
  • How to examine the rights and responsibilities shared by the interconnected members of a community.
  • How to identify your own personal strengths, limits, goals, fears, or prejudices as they relate to interacting with members of a community of speakers.
  • How to explain the connections between personal, interpersonal, community, and socio-political transformation.
  • The value of knowing another language and understanding how to become a lifelong learner.
  • The importance of extending the use of the language outside university boundaries to develop personal relationships and explore new social spaces.

Learn More

Visit the Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures field group page for more information and resources. 

Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
  1. Language proficiency in either Spanish or Portuguese at the intermediate-high level upon entry to the major (end of the sophomore year).
  2. Immersion experiences in both Spanish– and Portuguese–speaking communities abroad or as determined with the adviser.
  3. One course as a theoretical foundation for understanding culture.
  4. One foundation course that provides a historical and sociocultural background for the study of Latin America.
  5. Four courses taught in Spanish and four in Portuguese, except that (with the adviser’s consent) up to one relevant course taught in English may count towards the major.
  6. For students who arrive with proficiency in Spanish, all coursework in Spanish must be above SPAN33. For students who arrive with proficiency in Portuguese, all coursework in Portuguese must be above PORT33.
  7. SPAN/PORT 199 PZ, a capstone senior research project

Spanish & Portuguese Faculty

arianna alfaro portrait

Arianna Alfaro-Porras

  • Senior Lecturer and Global Engagement Coordinator
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
portrait of juanity aristizaba

Juanita Aristizábal

  • Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
fely catan portrait

Fély Catan

  • Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • Modern Laguages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
makela brizuela portrait

Makela Brizuela

  • Visiting Lecturer
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
Portrait of professor Juliana Fillies

Juliana Fillies

  • CMC Faculty, Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese
Jose luis flores portrait

José Luis Flórez

  • Senior Lecturer and Assessment Specialist
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
portrait of paula Gutierrez

Paula Gutierrez

  • Senior Lecturer and Lower Division and Placement Coordinator
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
potrait of professor norman valencia

Norman Valencia

  • CMC Faculty, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese

Contact Us

portrait of juanity aristizaba
Juanita Aristizábal
  • Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group

Scott 200A

Contact Professor

Related Programs


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